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Hacking Hashimotos : Learn How to Develop a Healthy Thyroid for Life
Introduction Thyroid course (1:04)
Meet Your Thyroid
Meet your Thyroid (3:53)
Understanding Thyroid Hormones and Their Synthesis
Understanding Thyroid Hormones 🦋 (3:45)
Understanding Thyroid Hormone Synthesis 🦋 (1:30)
Factors that Affect Thyroid Function - Diagram
Taking Command of your Thyroid
Hashimotos Thyroiditis and Hypothyroidism
Hashimotos Thyroiditis/ Hypothyroidism (13:45)
Causes of Hashimotos Thyroiditis and How it happens
Autoimmune disease_phenomena (3:58)
Leaky Gut (4:41)
Intestinal Permeability / Leaky Gut
Toxins exposure (7:58)
Check your toxic exposure
Inflammatory Risk Score
Stress &HPA axis (10:02)
Stress and Cortisol
7 day Cortisol Sabotage checklist
HPA Axis Questionnaire
Self-Care Questionnaire
How to Diagnose or Suspect
Symptoms and Signs of Thyroid Dysfunctions (3:53)
MSQ (Medical Symptoms Questionnaire)
Thyroid Investigations
Understanding Thyroid Functions 🦋 (4:58)
Understanding Your Thyroid Tests
Treatment : Part 1 = Treating Leaky Gut
Treatment of Thyroid Dysfunction 🩸 (1:17)
Treatment Leaky Gut: 5 R (3:29)
1st R: Remove (9:01)
2nd R; Replace (1:51)
3rd R: reinoculate: understanding Gut microbiome and probiotic choices (9:58)
4th & 5th R: Repair and Rebalance (4:21)
5 R Gut Repair Summary
Gut Repair , 5 R Approach
Detoxification and Gut Healing 🌿 (7:49)
Mold and mycotoxin illness
Steps to Clear Mycotoxins
Copy of Constipation Relief
Treatment: Part 2 = Lifestyle Interventions (Dietary)
Stress Reduction Techniques (5:29)
Dynamic Neural Retraining System and Adaptogens for Stress Reduction 🌿 (3:08)
Breathing Techniques to Soothe the Soul
Importance of Social Support and Relationships
Meditation - How to Get Started
Mindful Breathing
Suggestions for Better Sleep
The Power of Movement - Living an Active Lifestyle
Strategies for Transforming Stress
Treatment: Part 3 = Lifestyle Interventions (Dietary Interventions)
Dietary Interventions for Inflammation, Autoimmune Disease, and Thyroid Function 🍎 (4:33)
Micronutrients - Minerals
Food Sources Iodine
Food Sources Iron
Food Sources Selenium
Food Sources Zinc
Food Sources Vitamin D
Food Sources Vitamin A
Health Benefits of Spices
Treatment : Part 4 = Supplements and Hormone Replacement
Important Supplements for Thyroid Functions 🌿 (5:44)
Understanding Thyroid Hormone Replacement Therapy 🦋 (14:59)
Low Dose Naltrexone
Treatment of Hyperthyroidism
Treatment Options for Hyperthyroidism (4:42)
Teach online with
Autoimmune disease_phenomena
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